The Gene Pool is Murky

Adoption. Such a dependable convenience of human society. The stories out there are as unique as the adoptees.

Give It Time

Even the most relentlessly cheerful person is going to run face first into a hard surface from time to time. Just remember, no matter how much it sucks, it's not over until its over. I wish I had better advice to give.

The Small Town of Willcox and the Future of Southern AZ Wine

So we drove an hour and twenty minutes south-east of Tucson to visit Willcox, its 3,551 souls, and 20 plus tasting rooms. If this seems like a disproportionate number of wine tasting locations for such a small town, I would agree. But the folks who live in the town and surrounding areas of Willcox have the kind of optimism, determination, work ethic, and vision necessary to make exquisite lemonade out of the driest of lemons.

Contractor Delays and Terminating Agreements

Or it might be that hovering on the edges of my semi-waking brain was the realization that I had handed several thousand dollars to someone who was not really trustworthy... which is why I was awake.

Home Improvement Saved My Sanity During the Pandemic

What do you do to keep sane during an endless year of quarantines, masks, and COVID mandates? If you are like me, you find a project (or 20) to accomplish.

Red Flags for Building Contractors

Home improvement horror stories are nothing new. Learn some valuable lessons from our latest fiasco. How to avoid bad contractors and getting ripped off.

Insulating a Brick House in Arizona

It's challenging to insulate a flat roof, brick house built in the sixties. Just take my word for it. There is no attic to fill with batts of insulation, and there is no gap between the external walls and the inside dry wall to stuff with insulation. (the dry wall is just glued to the … Continue reading Insulating a Brick House in Arizona

Holidays and Home Improvement at Our House – 2020

When you look forward to a bathroom remodel more than Christmas, you have reached adulthood. Or you have bought a fixer upper.

Solar – Yes or No

Is solar worth the investment? Can you save on your electric bill with solar? It's a bit more complicated than that. Read on...

Keeping Your Cool in Tucson

There's more to keeping a home in Tucson comfortable than a great big HVAC unit. Better windows can make all the difference and don't have to break the bank.